By now most of you have seen or had a small taste of the new Stealth Fusion 480 kayak. There’s been so many questions and here are some direction and clarity on the subject.
Firstly where does the Fusion Fit into the Stealth range?
MOST importantly this was not designed or is not being manufactured to replace any of the existing glass kayaks, it is a new addition to expand the range.
Stealth has chosen the technology that allows them to offer one of the lightest and most complete paddle fishing kayaks in a plastic version.
With a hull weight of approx 28kgs without any fittings.
The Fusion also allows us to now offer a more price friendly product in comparison to the fibreglass models.
The Fusion will not compete with the performance and glide of the Fisha and Pro fisha range.
It won’t compete on the lightweight and of course the ability to do custom colours designs and to some degree customizing.
We do believe it has its own sweet spot for a variety of reasons and markets with some unique features and ideas which we hope will prove to be a success.
The new Fusion will also allow Stealth to step up their game on the fibreglass and carbon or carbon kelvar models even more and this is purely due to some released pressure on their volume output and production targets.
Look forward to sharing more info with you all and to covering the features and concepts.
We will have our very own hands on one as soon as late next week.