Kowus Pelser - 083 637 1029
Sean Wethmar - 083 326 7487
You can mail us on: online@kayakfish.co.za
Invoice Number | INV-0001636 |
Invoice Date | 2020-12-23 |
Total Due | R0.00 |
Chris - 060 569 2461
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | Stealth Fisha 555 Painted nose Bright Orange, Mild Grey body and orange seam |
R20,495.00 | 0% | R20,495.00 |
1 | Stealth Fisha 500 Painted Tips Front and Back (Post Office Red) White Mid Section and Black Seam |
R19,995.00 | 0% | R19,995.00 |
2 | Shipping from KZN Factory + Double Bubble Wrap | R1,600.00 | 0.00% | R3,200.00 |
Sub Total | R43,690.00 |
Tax | R0.00 |
Paid | -R43,690.00 |
Total Due | R0.00 |