1. The contest is restricted to human powered kayaks only. Any other form of propulsion or watercraft is
prohibited. No ferrying of kayaks by other boats is permitted. All fish submitted for weigh-in are to have
been caught on the water from a kayak. Every angler can only measure or weigh-in fish caught and landed by themselves.
2. All fish must be caught with a fishing rod/hand line, photographed on the water or where kayak is on the water visible, and if released, alive in a conventional sporting manner. Only rods or hand lines may be used. 4 Rods per angler with only 2 in the water at any time.
3. The contest boundaries are from Jongensfontein in the West to the Geelkrans restricted zone in the East (in the Bay at Stilbaai). All contest fishing must be carried out within these boundaries only. The Goukou River is also open for fishing as part of the competition. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with the NO-TAKE zones in and around Stilbaai. No fishing is allowed within any officially prohibited area.
4. Contest registration opens 3 December 2021 and closes 1 February. Late registration will be at an additional cost of R50. All entry fees are NON-TRANSFERABLE and NON-REFUNDABLE.
5. The official contest fishing period is between 05.30 and 16:00 on Saturday 4 March (Session 1) and 05:30 to 111:00 on Sunday 5 March (Session 2). Any fish caught and weighed outside these times are not eligible for weigh-in. The weigh master will be the sole judge of time.
6. All competitors need to be in possession of a launching tag before launching on any of the two day-sessions. The launch tag will be collected at the NSRI building (being used as the base for the competition). Weigh-ins are compulsory for all anglers who have launched for that particular session, once you have checked in with the weigh master and returned your launching tag, you are then free to leave if you like. If you did not launch during a particular session, you do not have to report back to the weigh. This tag will also be used to monitor participants to ensure every kayaker has returned safely to shore.
7. To be eligible for receipt of prizes, anglers must be registered to enter the contest and additionally, be
present at the official prize giving to claim any spot-drawn prizes.
8. Valid fishing permit required and must be able to display at any time to competition official or law enforcement officer.
9. All national legal size limits and quota’s must be adhered to at all times.
10. Launch and landing sites will be provided on the official WhatsApp group.
Participation is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Minors are eligible to participate with a parent or legal guardian signature on the release form. All participants must be in possession of a valid fishing licence with the added fishing from a vessel option at all times while participating.
The use of mobile communication devices such as cellular telephones, marine radios, walkie-talkies or any electronic device to communicate during fishing is highly recommended for safety.
All official competition correspondence will be done on the competition Whatsapp group, all participants will be added upon entry confirmation. There will be 2x separate groups for the competition (Competition comms only where only the organiser can post and a chat for questions and banter). We do encourage healthy banter within this group however please only post about fishing or/and kayak fishing related to the event. No swearing or abbreviated swearing. No racial, political, sexist, vulgar, insulting, derogative suggestions, etc. posts will be tolerated. Anyone NOT keeping to the rules will be removed and disqualified.
It is the responsibility of competitors to strictly adhere to the regulatory COVID lockdown regulations set out by government.
During competition each contestant is required to comply with SAKFA regulations. In addition, participants must wear a PFD at all times while competing in the event and be in possession of a sounding (whistle) device. Please ensure you never go out on your own. Be cautious of the conditions and ensure you reviewed the weather predictions. Please also make use of SafeTRX on your cellphone.
SPORTSMANSHIP Competitors are expected to act with integrity, follow a high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification.
This is an individual competition and scoring will be done accordingly. Two sessions of fishing are allowed for this competition. Session 1 – Saturday and Session 2 – Sunday. Each participant will only be allowed to enter the results of one of the sessions for final scoring. After the second session, the angler decides which session he/she wants to submit for the competition. Thus, if a participant can only fish a single session, those results will still be used for final scoring.
Eligible Species are: Cob, Yellowtail, YellowFin, Shad, Garrick, Bonito, Skipjack, Grunter, Red Roman, Santer/Soldier, Rock Cod, Steenbras, Belman (WILL BE CONFIRMED ON THE COMPETITION WHATSAPP GROUP)
Points will be allocated in the following way and only for eligible species;
- 1 Point per centimetre of length (fish has to be over the minimum legal size limit).
- Each specie will have their own fixed-point value.
- Scoring determined by specie of each fish and the length of each fish.
- Finally, extra points will be awarded for specie variety.
Exact scoring and point allocation will be shared on the competition WhatsApp group at a later stage.
Heaviest fish of the competition will only be determined by the length to weight transfer.
We promote catch and release fishing and as such the documentation of species caught should be done with the catch-photo-release and signed by other competitor system. The first photo on the camera must be of your rigged boat as put in at launch with length card visible. Fish must be photographed in or on the boat with length card visible. Length is determined from the forward-most point of the fish to fork of the tail with the fish’s mouth closed.
In the event of a tie the entry booked and payed in earliest will be declared the winner. The Competition Director will review the photos to verify reported results and determine place winners. The Competition Director is responsible for the final call in all matters